A look back at some items in our archives.
Matalon gives a lecture on his music, November 20, 2007.
Matalon gives a lecture on his music, November 20, 2007.
Matalon gives a lecture on his music, November 20, 2007.
Matalon gives a lecture on his music, November 20, 2007.
Matalon gives a lecture on his music, November 20, 2007.
Matalon gives a lecture on his music, November 20, 2007.
Matalon gives a lecture on his music, November 20, 2007.
Matalon gives a lecture on his music, November 20, 2007.
Matalon gives a lecture on his music, November 20, 2007.
Matalon gives a lecture on his music, November 20, 2007.
Matalon gives a lecture on his music, November 20, 2007.
Matalon gives a lecture on his music, November 20, 2007.
Matalon gives a lecture on his music, November 20, 2007.
Why do we create art and what do we expect it to do? This is the question posed in 68. In the beginning we witness the creative act: a poet, writing and speaking out the earliest fragments of his poems; discovering through experiment his voice, both physically and figuratively.
Kai explains the timbre visualization project.
This is a screen capture from Ali Momeni's lecture during the summer 2010 Max/MSP workshop.
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