Found 289 results
A. Freed, Wessel, D., and Zicarelli, D., MAX Objects for Media Integration, in International Computer Music Conference, McGill University, 1991, pp. 397-400.
G. Garnett, Musical Signals, and Representations: A Survey, Representations of Musical Signals. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1991.
M. A. Lee, Freed, A., and Wessel, D., Real-Time Neural Network Processing of Gestural and Acoustic Signals, in 17th International Computer Music Conference, Montreal, 1991, pp. 277-280.
A. Freed and Gordon, K., DSP driver software for performance-oriented music synthesis systems, in International Computer Music Conference, Glasgow, UK, 1990, pp. 79-81.
S. Pointer, Wawrzynek, J., and Wessel, D., A Multimedia Digital Signal Processing Tutoring System, in International Computer Music Conference, Glasgow, UK, 1990, pp. 35-38.
J. Wawrzynek and von Eicken, T., VLSI Parallel Processing for Musical Sound Synthesis, in International Computer Music Conference, Glasgow, UK, 1990, pp. 136-139.
D. Wessel, Felciano, R., Freed, A., and Wawrzynek, J., The Center for New Music and Audio Technologies: Studio Report 1989, in International Computer Music Conference, San Francisco, 1989, pp. 336-339.
J. - B. Barrire, Baisnee, P. - F., Freed, A., and Baudot, M. - D., A Digital Signal Multiprocessor and its Musical Application, in 15th International Computer Music Conference, Ohio State University, 1989, pp. 17-20.
J. Wawrzynek and von Eicken, T., MIMIC, A Custom VLSI Parallel Processor for Musical Sound Synthesis, in IFIP IC10/WG10.5 Working Conference on Very Large Scale Integration, Munich, 1989.
A. Freed, New Media for Musicological Research and Education - The Country Blues in HyperMedia, in 15th International Computer Music Conference, Ohio State University, 1989, pp. 109-112.
D. Wessel, Timbre and the perceptual organization of musical patterns, Journal of Acoustical Society of America, vol. 86, p. S58, 1989.
D. K. Mellinger, Garnett, G., and Mont-Reynaud, B., Virtual Digital Signal Processing in an Object-Oriented System, Computer Music Journal, vol. 13, pp. 71-76, 1989.
D. Wessel, Timbre Space as a Musical Control Structure, Computer Music Journal, vol. 3, pp. 45-52, 1979.
D. Wessel, Timbre Space as a Musical Control Structure, Computer Music Journal, vol. 3, pp. 45-52, 1979.
