The Four-part reading will begin promptly at 11:00 a.m. in the main room at CNMAT.
11:00-11:45: Part I
12:00-12:45: Part II
1:00-2:00: Please bring a sack lunch and eat with us out in the beautiful garden.
2:00-2:45: Part III
3:00-3:45: Part IV—followed by a reception for everyone in attendance.
The Reading is free. Copies of the book MEDUSA will be available for 20.00.
Medusa presents the third in a series of book-length poems--along with Tongue Stones and Squaring the
Circle. These books lay the foundations of his Ecotropic philosophy, which argues that for human culture to be
healthy, it must exist in an ecological niche, and thereby relate appropriately with all the fields of forces of
nature, organic and inorganic. In Medusa, the ancient myth finds contemporary expression, as "Everyman"
(suffering in a world of economic oppression and political surveillance) finds himself in psychotherapy for
his personal and transpersonal offenses against 'women', 'the other', and the 'earth'. Mirroring the metamorphoses inherent in Nature, the text is highly volatile and full of change. Sometimes the doctor and patient assume other identities (e.g. Don Quixote and Sancho Panza); sometimes they exchange places. Between them, conceptually and on the page, another voice (Taoist or anti-Taoist) provides the transmuting medicine our sickness needs. In keeping with the critic who said that John Campion’s poetry is a “Landscape architecture of the page,” each page from the MEDUSA will be projected on a screen throughout the reading. Sophia says: “IT’S GOING TO BE GREAT!”
[|John Campion] is the founder of the Ecotropic movement, which holds that for human culture to be healthy it must exist as in an ecological niche and thereby re-late appropriately with all the fields of forces. His poetry, art, philosophy, and criticism reflect ecotropic values.