This will be a hands-on workshop and all participants are encouraged to bring laptops with AudioSculpt and Open Music working.

Workshop program:

Introduction to OpenMusic (Version 6.0.9 new release on forumnet)
Introduction to Audiosculpt sound Analysis (AudioSculpt 2.9.4 new release on forumnet)
Introduction to the IRCAM Orchestrator project with composer Yan Maresz

Topics to be covered include:
Introduction to the SDIF format
Exporting sound analysis from As to OM in SDIF format
Reading SDIF sound analysis from As in OM
Building a single musical sequence from sound analysis

Mikhail Mail is dedicated to the use of Mathematical models in Computer Assisted Composition. Trained both in the sciences and music, Mikhail began his musical career in Brazil as flutist and orchestral conductor, having conducting youth orchestras for almost ten years. Currently he is a researcher at MINT-OMF(« Musicologie, informatique et nouvelles technologies »), Associate Professor at the Sorbonne Paris IV, and Computer Music Designer in the Educational Department at Ircam, Paris-France. Mr. Malt pursues his composition and research activities in the fields of artificial life models, musical representation and compositional epistemology.

Composer and UC Berkeley Regents Lecturer Yan Maresz will be present to discuss the Orchestrator project.

This event made possible by the University of California’s Institute for Research in the Arts (UCIRA) and the UC Berkeley Regents’ Professorships and Lectureships Program.

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Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 10:00pm to Wednesday, April 22, 2009 1:00am