Various systems for organizing the equal-tempered chromatic scale as a compositional focus. This term includes: Serial Music, Set Theory.


Study No. 1

Study No. 1 is the first of a series of studies for piano and electronics. The piano’s role is to ‘trigger’ the electronic sounds at particular points in the score, an image of which is saved inside an MAX/MSP processing station. This gives the performer great timing flexibility.


Outside Music

(The text that follows is adapted from a text by Beth E. Levy. The full text can be found in the liner notes of the Edmund Campion/SFCMP Outside Music CD, Albany Records Troy 1037)


Hold That Thought

HOLD That Thought for string orchestra and computer driven electronics

Hold that Thought, Gaunajuato Symphony, Mexico (premiere),
Hold that Thought, University Symphony, Berkeley


Domus Aurea

Domus Aurea for vibraphone and piano was commissioned by Daniel Ciampolini, at the time, of the the Ensemble Intercontemporain. The piece was premiered in 2001 at the Georges Pompidou Center in Paris with the "Soloists of the Ensemble Intercontemporain."



Playback, (seven evening-length performances), Agora Festival, IRCAM, Paris, June 7-13, 1999
Playback, IRCAM production, Lausanne, Switzerland, September
Playback, IRCAM production, Metz, France, March, 2000

Année de composition : 1999
Durée : 90 mn
Information sur la création

Commande : SACD (Société des auteurs et compositeurs dramatiques - Action culturelle) et Ircam