Max/MSP/Jitter Day+Night School, July 21-25, 2014
CNMAT presents our intensive and immersive summer workshop for artists, musicians, interface designers, and anyone wanting to improve their skills with Max/MSP/Jitter (MMJ) or learn from scratch. This year’s course will showcase CNMAT's odot library and in-house tools built up over the last 20 years, along with various hidden Max tricks. Our format includes lectures, demos, and hands-on lab time. If you are looking to get up to speed with the latest in Max, this is the place to be!
Special Guests include John Chowning, David Wessel and David Zicarelli.
Please find details below.
What is it?
CNMAT's Max/MSP/Jitter course course will be taught by programmers and artists with a great deal of experience both using and teaching the software. By the end of the workshop, students should be able to construct sophisticated, robust patches.
When is it?
Max/MSP/Jitter Day+Night School - July 21-25, 2014, 10AM-9PM
This intensive week of hands-on classes covers a wide variety of topics related to Max/MSP/Jitter programming and will make use of the latest features of Max 6.
The schedule will be as follows: Monday through Friday, July 21-25, 2014
Each day:
10am-12pm: Beginning/Intermediate MMJ Programming
12-1pm: Lunch
1-3pm: Beginning/Intermediate Lab
3-5pm: Open Lab/Special Topics 5-6pm: Dinner Break 6-9pm: Advanced MMJ Programming
Who is involved?
Instructors: John MacCallum, Jeff Lubow, David Wessel, Adrian Freed, other experienced teachers, and YOU.
How much $?
Fee: $750
What's the format?
The classes each day will consist of two lectures separated by lab sessions where the students will receive one-on-one attention from the instructors and assistants. All students, regardless of their skill level, are encouraged to attend all of the sessions throughout the day.
NOTE: Participants are required to bring their own laptops with the latest version of Max/MSP/Jitter 6 already installed and running (Mac OSX or Windows 7/8). Download here: Please bring a set of headphones to use during the lab. Also, participants are strongly advised to have gone through the Max, MSP, and Jitter (if applicable) tutorials before the workshop. Pricing: As always, we try to keep our workshop fees as reasonable as possible. In the past, the morning and evening sessions were priced separately and would cost over $1000 combined. We offer both for $750.
To reserve a space contact Richard Andrews:
Where is it?