Found 289 results
N. Peters and W., S. Andrew, Beamforming using a spherical microphone array based on legacy microphone characteristics, in International Conference on Spatial Audio, Detmold, Germany, 2011.
N. Peters and Jonas, B., Compensation of Undesired Doppler Artifacts in Virtual Microphone Simulations, in DAGA - Deutsche Jahrestagung fr Akustik , Dsseldorf, Germany, 2011.
A. Freed, MacCallum, J., and Schmeder, A., Composability for Musical Gesture Signal Processing using new OSC-based Object and Functional Programming Extensions to Max/MSP, in New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Oslo, Norway, 2011.
A. Freed, Diverse Roles of Objets Trouvs in Live Solo Visual Music Practice, in Understanding VISUAL Music 2011, Montreal, CA, 2011.
A. Freed, MacCallum, J., and Schmeder, A., Dynamic, Instance-based, Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in Max/MSP using Open Sound Control (OSC) Message Delegation, in ICMC 2011, Huddersfield, England, 2011.
E. Battenberg and Avizienis, R., Implementing Real-Time Partitioned Convolution Algorithms on Conventional Operating Systems, in DAFX 2011, Paris, France, 2011.
Y. Mann and Freed, A., Pervasive Cameras: Making Sense of Many Angles using Radial Basis Function Interpolation and Salience Analysis, in Pervasive 2011, San Francisco, CA, 2011.
J. Colmenares, Ian, S., Battenberg, E., Avizienis, R., Peters, N., Asanovic, K., Kubiatowicz, J. D., and Wessel, D., REAL-TIME MUSICAL APPLICATIONS ON AN EXPERIMENTAL OPERATING SYSTEM FOR MULTI-CORE PROCESSORS, in ICMC 2011, Huddersfield, England, 2011.
J. - S. Roh, Freed, A., Mann, Y., and Wessel, D., Robust and Reliable Fabric, Piezoresistive Multitouch Sensing Surfaces for Musical Controllers, in NIME 2011, 2011.
N. Peters, Braasch, J., and McAdams, S., Sound Spatialization Across Disciplines Using Virtual Microphone Control (ViMiC), Journal of Interdisciplinary Music Studies, vol. 5, pp. 167-190, 2011.
N. Peters and W., S. Andrew, Synthesizing classic recording microphones characteristics using a spherical microphone array (A), J. Acoust. Soc. Am., presented at the 162th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 130, p. 2507, 2011.
