A look back at some items in our archives.
# Overview
- [cnmat:node/add/reservation|Create a new reservation].
- [cnmat:node/3228|How to get access to the reservation system].
- A reservation ensures exclusive availability of a room.
- If a reservation is to be unused please delete it from the calendar to make the time available to others.
- Use of CNMAT facilities is restricted to [cnmat:group/keyholders|Keyholders]. For details, read [cnmat:node/3213|the use policies].
- For more information about CNMAT resources in general, read [cnmat:node/3213|The CNMAT Users Manual].
# Main Room
- Membership required in: [cnmat:group/main_room_users|Main Room Users Group]
- Usage information: [cnmat:node/2774|Main Room Manual]
- Browse nodes at this location: [cnmat:taxonomy/term/681|Main Room]
$view = views_get_view('reservations_facility');
echo views_build_view('embed', $view, array(1341, date('Y'), date('n'), 'all'), FALSE, NULL);
# Rear Studio
- Membership required in: [cnmat:group/rear_studio_users|Rear Studio Users Group]
- Usage information [cnmat:node/2726|Rear Studio Manual]
- Browse nodes at this location: [cnmat:taxonomy/term/674|Rear Studio]
$view = views_get_view('reservations_facility');
echo views_build_view('embed', $view, array(1342, date('Y'), date('n'), 'all'), FALSE, NULL);
# Media Studio (aka "Small Studio", "Middle Studio")
- Membership required in: [cnmat:group/media_studio_users|Media Studio Users Group]
- Usage information: [cnmat:node/2775|Media Studio Manual]
- Browse nodes at this location: [cnmat:taxonomy/term/676|Media Studio]
$view = views_get_view('reservations_facility');
echo views_build_view('embed', $view, array(1343, date('Y'), date('n'), 'all'), FALSE, NULL);
# Activity Calendar
- The activity calendar is for internal events and advisories. Vacation notices, meetings, visitors, deadlines...
- [cnmat:node/add/activity|Create a new activity].
$view = views_get_view('activities');
echo views_build_view('embed', $view, array(date('Y'), date('n'), 'all'), FALSE, NULL);
Announcing the 2008 Summer Workshops at CNMAT!
CNMAT presents a series of spring and summer workshops for students, artists, musicians and anyone interested in learning new software.
Summer Workshops at CNMAT!
CNMAT’s educational program includes a wide range of opportunities for UC Berkeley students and outside scholars, artists, and music lovers.
- When checking out microphones and other delicate pieces of gear from CNMAT, it is important to protect them properly.
# Overview
- [cnmat:node/add/checkout|Create a new checkout]. All checkouts are subject to approval by a CNMAT principal.
- Use of CNMAT resources is restricted to [cnmat:group/keyholders|Keyholders]. For details, read [cnmat:node/6086|Borrowing Equipment from CNMAT].
- Checkout privileges may be rescinded if gear is consistently returned late, broken, or to the wrong location.
if((int)$_GET['n']) {
$i = (int)($_GET['n']);
if(node_load($i)) {
drupal_goto(sprintf("node/%d", (int)($_GET['n'])));
} else {
echo "Node #{$i} does not exist.";
//check the log file for the last time an email was sent
$logfile = "/home/www-data/berkeley.edu-cnmat.www/htdocs/var/log/checkout-notifications.log";
$filetime = filemtime($logfile);
$diff = time() - $filetime;
//echo $diff;
echo " ";
$recipients = '';
//get the view with the checkouts
$view = views_get_view('checkouts_pastdue');
//gets the items in the view
$items = views_build_view('items', $view, null, false, 0, 0, 0, $filters);
$res = $items['items'];//results
//go through each result and get the node of the checkout and from there find and email the user
foreach($res as $r){
//print_r( $r);
$nd = node_load( $r->nid);
$usr = user_load(array('name' => check_plain($nd->name)));
$email = $usr->mail; //here is the user's email address.
$fieldval = $nd->field_notifications[0]['value'];
//the email body
$body = "Your equipment checkout on the CNMAT website has ended. Please return the items or update your checkout information.
www.cnmat.berkeley.edu/checkouts ";
$recipients = array_unique($recipients);
foreach($recipients as $person){
echo $person;
echo '
$vid = 2577; // Set the vid to the vocabulary id of the vocabulary you wish to list the terms from
$tid = 4662; //if you need to use a term also
$pole = array();
$items = array();
$terms = taxonomy_get_tree($vid, $tid);
//$terms = taxonomy_get_tree($vid);
$output .= "
$output .= "
$output .= "
print $output;
if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {
$nid = $_POST['nid'];
$node = node_load($nid);
if ($node==NULL){
drupal_set_message(t($nid.' is not a valid NID'), 'error');
} else {
drupal_set_message(t('removed terms on node '.l($node->title?$node->title:$nid, "node/$nid")));
list_old_extern_versions($filepath, $baseurl, $archivepath, $archiveurl);
Most users will want to download the Everything package for their platform. This package must be extracted and its location added to the MaxMSP search path. It is also possible to download individual items, however these are all contained in the Everything package.
All downloads are Copyright 1996- by their respective authors. All rights reserved. Most objects will report copyright and version information in response to the 'version' message on the first inlet.
Older Versions:
We no longer release objects in the CFM binary format for versions of MaxMSP prior to 4.5. The last package created of CFM objects can be obtained here. Objects for Mac OS9 are found here.
We are no longer supporting the Max 4 file format in the CNMAT MMJ Depot. The last Max 4 release can be found here (version 1.56).
People involved at CNMAT are from a wide range of disciplines and are drawn together by their common interest in exploring the world of music. The principals are specialists in musical composition, musical psychoacoustics and computer science.
- Protocol and encoding development including Open Sound Control (OSC) and the Sound Description Interchange Format (SDIF)
- New sensor technologies and interface modalities: sensor fusion, integration.
- New sense-enabled media: conductive/resistive fibre, malleable media.
- eTextile, conductive paper and other materials for the New Lutherie