Please come celebrate the start of summer with a visit to CNMAT during our Open Lab times next week:

11-5pm at 1750 Arch Street

We will be making, skill sharing, materials sharing and informally learning from our
resident visiting makers Hannah Perner-Wilson and Natalie Freed (recently of the MIT media lab).
We will have stations set up for integrating electronics, sensors, mechatronics,
e-textiles, active paper, and acoustic transduction
with numerous inspirational prototypes to share, study and discuss.

There is no particular fixed agenda for each day but in the early afternoon we will have short,
show-and-tell sessions on particular themes with expert guests:

Monday 11
Theme: Paper folding and other dynamics

Origami experts Chris Palmer and Peter Engel will bring examples of their work and introduce their wonderful books.
Natalie Freed will describe the Telescrapbook. Adrian Freed will share his prize winning paper music keyboard,
the FingerPhone and
introductory work on computing with flexagons.

Tuesday 12
Theme: interactive textiles and other Extraordinary Materials

Hannah Perner-Wilson will show how she has transforms e-textiles into interactive objects,
wearables, robot skins etc. using a wide variety of traditional, modern and new
textile and electronic integration techniques.
Adrian Freed will show some etextile multitouch and musical instrument controllers from CNMAT
collection and give a tour of our collection of unobtanium and readily available extraordinary
materials with hints as to their untapped potential, e.g. gold plated textiles, conductive
silicone, stainless steel yarns, stretchable conductors etc.

Wednesday 13
Theme: Integration and Interfacing

Yotam Mann will show OSCuino, a new library for Arduino developers to integrate the OSC encoding into their
Arduino Projects. OSCuino runs on the new faster ethernet Arduinos and with serial USB Arduinos.
CNMAT's extensive library of sensors and actuators will be introduced with plenty of experts on hand to
answer questions on how to integrate them into your projects. John MacCallum will introduce his
o.expr from the new odot tools which is great for sensor signal

Thursday 14
Theme: Patterning and Printed Electronics
Adrian Freed will describe Jess Rowland's work at CNMAT on printable loudspeaker arrays and share
some interesting approaches to spatial pattern design for optimization of arrayed sensors, actuators and computation.

Friday 15
Open making day

I look forward to seeing you all some time next week.

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Monday, June 11, 2012, 7:00pm to Saturday, June 16, 2012 1:38am
Contact name
Adrian Freed