CNMAT's Music and Technology Seminar

"Computer Music Can Be Better"
Bob Ostertag

Bob Ostertag is the blaspheming priest of the art of noise. Genius underlies his performance. -- Messagger Veneto (Italy)

Bob Ostertag is the hero of the digital frontier and leader of new performance in sonic exploration. -- Il Piccolo (Italy)

Ostertag's music brings together audience and musicians alike in an almost corporal bond -- music of enormous emotional impact. -- Il Gazzettino (Italy)

By almost any measure, electronic music composer/improviser Bob Ostertag is an extreme radical. His raw material is the world. He digs his trowel into the wet cement of everyday life, where nothing is really permanently set, anyway, and plasters it in impressionistic smears and pointillistic dabs across the walls of our perception... -- San Francisco Bay Guardian

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Tuesday, November 27, 2001, 11:00pm to Wednesday, November 28, 2001 1:00am